
Firefox har viewer
Firefox har viewer

firefox har viewer

  • Waiting (TTFB): The time spent waiting for the initial response, also known as the Time To First Byte.
  • Request sent/sending: The time spent issuing the network request.
  • SSL: The time spent completing an SSL handshake.
  • Initial connection/connecting: The time it took to establish a connection.
  • DNS lookup: The time spent performing the DNS lookup.
  • Proxy negotiation: The time spent negotiating with the proxy server connection.
  • This includes any time spent in proxy negotiation or when waiting for an established connection to become available for reuse.
  • Stalled/blocking: The time the request spent waiting before it could be sent.
  • Based on Google's Network Performance article, the following outlines and explains each component that can exist in a HAR file generated from Google Chrome's developer tools.

    firefox har viewer

    Inside the HAR file, there will be several timing components. HAR file information is stored in JSON format which means in order to visualize the information easier, tools such as the HAR Viewer can be used. The HAR file keeps track of each resource loaded by the browser along with timing information for each resource. A HAR file is primarily used for identifying performance issues, such as bottlenecks and slow load times, and page rendering problems.

    firefox har viewer

    HAR, short for HTTP Archive, is a format used for tracking information between a web browser and a website.

    Firefox har viewer